Oops. I accidentally said "strange quark" when I meant to say "strangelet" during the podcast. Any physicists who might someday hear this please don't hurt me with your large hadron ray guns.
"I have no idea why I keep trying New Belgium beers. There's just something wrong with all of them. India Pale Ales seldom fail to extract happy, satisfied noises from me, but this one managed. Yes, it's hoppy, but the hop notes tasted stale, which seems strange to me. Someday I will learn my lesson and stop buying these."
Justin's Drink, Bud Light Golden Wheat
The appearance of this beer was slightly hazy and amber in color. It had a watered down look to it that definitely put it in the same family as Bud Light.
The bottle said it was brewed with coriander and orange. I couldn't smell the orange at all, but it had quite a bit of the coriander aroma, although it didn't smell natural. Do they make coriander extract? If so, I bet they just added that to a Bud Light and changed the label. We record the podcast at night, and I left the empty bottle on my desk to clean up the next day. In the morning, my whole office reeked of this shitty stale beer. If you insist on drinking Golden Wheat, be sure to put your empties in a diaper genie.
It tasted about how it smelled, cheap beer with coriander. It tasted like a watered down Blue Moon. I'm not that big of fan of Blue Moon, but it is so much richer and creamier than Golden Wheat. Don't waste your time with abortion. If you want a wheat beer, there are dozens of others that are so much better. If you want a Bud Light, you probably like watered down cheap beers and won't care for all of the artificial flavors that have been crammed into the Golden Wheat. In conclusion, no one should drink this beer. 1 Star.
Tony's Drink, Schlitz
The smell made me ill and the one sip I took tasted very skunky. To be fair I did buy the oldest six pack I could find at the store, but I am sure it still tasted like ass fresh."
Oops. I accidentally said "strange quark" when I meant to say "strangelet" during the podcast. Any physicists who might someday hear this please don't hurt me with your large hadron ray guns.